We still have some bottles of Wild Rose tincture available for purchase: $15 for a 1 oz. bottle (postage included) or $20 for two.
I have been receiving questions about how to use this tincture and so thought I’d share some thoughts with you.
This tincture is an energy medicine. When I was recovering from childhood trauma, flower essences provided me with invaluable support on my journey. I never forgot it, and so make this tincture each year at the peak of the Nootka rose bloom here at my farm.
My suggestion is to add 6 drops to water, 1-3 times a day. Honeybees are all about the number six, building comb using the shape of hexagons throughout. Using 6 drops at a time helps to build a resonance, or sacred architecture, of energy within.
You are of course welcome to use a number of drops that have a special significance for you. Just make sure you aren’t using so many drops that you are getting soused on this stuff. It’s made with a vodka base.
Much of what and how we experience life operates on the basis of subtle energy. We feel our way through life far more than our minds recognize and it is the feeling sense that wild rose nurtures.
The glorious color, scent, and softness of the wild rose petals encourage the opening of our energetic center: the heart. But wild rose energy is more involved than simply opening the heart chakra. With its thorny stems and prodigious root system, wild rose helps guard and anchor the heart’s blossoming energy.
Add these drops to a big bottle of water for sipping over the course of the day. You might want to take a moment to bless the water with your undivided presence as you add the drops.
Use this water blessed with Nootka rose energy to help you come home to your wild, fragrant. and deep self throughout the day.
Email anna@gaiashamanism.com to place your order.