
As the air cools here in the Pacific Northwest and apples ripen on the trees, my mind turns not to fall but to the coming back-to-school season.

We carry the memory of returning to school deep inside us, whether we have school-aged children or not, for once we were school-aged children ourselves. 

Each year, after a season of ease, we return to our studies with renewed vigor and interest, though the lessons presented to us by Life are notoriously difficult to comprehend with our minds. But our hearts get it, if only we think to ask.

What juicy, heart-rending, soulful, wide-open learning does this new “school” year hold for you? 

What is your soul’s curriculum this year? Are your learning objectives clear, or do they need refinement? How might you evaluate progress and growth in your learning? 

Together, let’s journey about our soul’s priorities for the new school year. Let us gain clarity, be supportive of one another, and hold ourselves accountable for doing the things that matter most to our hearts and our communities. 
I hope you can join us this week. ?


If you hope to attend this free online journey circle on Wednesday, September 1, from 4-6 pm PDT email anna “at” gaiashamanism “dot” com.  All skill levels welcome.

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