This week, I suggest that we journey to meet the Goddess, source of our lives, body of the land, ancestor of all beings.
I’ve been holding this journey circle for years now and never have I suggested that we journey to meet the one for whom this work is named. There are a few reasons for that.
For one thing, we are the earth. There is no separation except in our minds. When we feel lost, disconnected, or orphaned from the ground of our existence, we are speaking of a mental state, not our actual state of being. Just you try leaving the presence of the Goddess. Gravity will bring you home every time. There is a comfort in this fact, a closeness, and an overlooked intimacy with Divinity that is our inheritance as embodied beings.
For another thing, being on good terms with the Goddess isn’t a straightforward proposition when one lives on land that has been stolen at gunpoint, fractured into pieces, and plundered for resources. Approaching Divinity by using any of Her names–Pachamama (Andean), Gaia (Greek), Mari (Basque), Umay (Mongolian and Turkic)–is not something a sane person does lightly.
But no matter what we do, or how well we do it, we will never “deserve” to be speaking terms with the Goddess. At best, we are in process, deepening in some ways while falling apart in others, as we journey through the seasons of life. To be in process, to participate in this falling apart and coming together, is to become fluent in the language of the Goddess.
So it’s okay. Come as you are, not as you aren’t. Set aside all pretense, be sincere, and ask to meet Her. The purpose of these times is to restore the Goddess to memory.
Let us begin.
Bring an offering to the circle for the Goddess, source of our lives, body of the land, ancestor of all beings. Be thinking about which name you will call her by and why.
If you can attend Gaia Shamanism’s free online journey circle this Wednesday, November 24, from 4-6 pm PST, email anna “at” gaiashamanism “dot” com.
All skill levels are welcome. Hope you can join us this week.