It is said that the veils between the worlds are thinnest at certain times of the year, for instance, during the solstice. I always thought this was just a bunch of superstitious hooey; that is until I began hosting this journey circle.
I have found that my journeys are stronger with the combined intention and presence of others. If you want to journey better, journey with those who are more practiced than you. Journeying with practiced others improves our practice–even from a distance.
But over the years I have found that journeys taken on equinoxes and solstices themselves offer a whole new level of clarity. Insight and vision truly are gained when we intentionally align ourselves with the rhythm of light.
So let us gather tomorrow, on the Solstice, with our questions, longings, heartbreaks, and gratitude. May we come to understand something new, find direction, experience healing, or feel more deeply connected to the living earth.
Let us ask, together, to receive what we most need on this, our blessed Solstice, that we might be better able to sew the seeds of Life in the coming year.
I hope you can join us for Gaia Shamanism’s last circle of 2021.
With all my love,
If you would like to attend Gaia Shamanism’s free online Solstice journey circle this Tuesday, December 21, from 4-6 pm PST, email anna “at” gaiashamanism “dot” com.
All skill levels are welcome.