Happy New Year!

I don’t expect things to get better in 2022, or in my lifetime.

In the past month, I stood in line for two-and-a-half hours for medication at our local pharmacy, twice filled our bathtubs so we can flush our toilets should we lose power from winter storms, and have suffered a spate of migraines in the aftermath of immunizations.

And I am among the most privileged of people in our world.

If a “better” year means an easier year, I’m afraid we can just kiss that goodbye. 

But if a “better” year could instead mean rooting more deeply into the solid ground of the soul, then we might just be in luck. 

To get through these times–and to enjoy them–we need to find ways to harness who we are, and what we love, to the service to others. Then, whatever might happen, we will be ready to move away from the default position of the frightened bystander into a spiritually potent and useful role that we have crafted for ourselves. Should we fail in our efforts to help, at least we can go down trying.

What is it that you have longed to learn, or do in the world, but haven’t found time for yet? Make a commitment to start this year so you might be of service to the world in ever more soulful and skillful ways. 

This year will see me begin volunteering with hospice and learning to forage in the forest for the ingredients to make tea. Both are rooted in my intention to become of greater spiritual service and both lend me a sense of purpose and excitement about the coming year, regardless of the challenges coming our way.

Great years are made, not received whole from a mysterious source beyond ourselves. Great years, like 2022, are shaped into something beautiful and useful from the muck and mud of our lives. 

I hope you will join me on this journey of service in 2022. May we fashion this year into something truly soulful and of use.


Once again, in 2022, Gaia Shamanism will offer free online journey circles on Wednesdays from 4-6 pm PST. 

This weekly circle is an opportunity to hone the practice of journeywork in a  spiritual container of mutual support, real talk, and humor.

If you would like to join us, feel free to email me at anna@gaiashamanism.com.  This week we will dedicate our journeys to the question of being of service.

And if you haven’t been to the circle for a while, but miss the heart-centered practice and camaraderie, start the year out right and join us this Wednesday, January 5, at 4 pm PST.

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