Weather. Car accidents. ER and doctor visits. Loss. Bills.
Laughter. New friends. Time with loved ones. Soft landings. Purpose and joy.
Learning to welcome the unexpected, much as one might welcome a wise elder into one’s home, seems to be a chief teaching of climate change.
My idea of disaster preparedness is to spend time in meditation, be it on the cushion or in my sit spot, so I can keep my wits about me when things spin out, as things invariably do, and will more often.
Part of my devotion to Gaia, I have realized, is training to be present with whatever is happening in the life of our planet.
I need to practice sitting and feeling my messy self daily so I might find the courage to open my heart to the unexpected in the midst of these scrambled seasons.
It takes work to show up well when wildfire smoke chokes the skies or the car finds its way into a ditch during a freak snowstorm.
But I am here for it. And so, apparently, are you.
Way of Council
When we meet in our weekly circle, we use the Way of Council to surface our intentions for the journey using the sacred drumbeat:
When listening, listen from the heart without analyzing, agreeing, or disagreeing.
When speaking, speak from the heart, naming what is alive right now.
Be lean of expression, going to the core of what needs to be spoken.
Be spontaneous, trusting what comes, rather than what one has rehearsed or what one thinks should be said.
With deep respect for each others’ privacy and the transiency of the moment, we keep confidence regarding what is spoken, not engaging with participants over what is said nor sharing specific content with others.
Our free soul-tending circle will be held this week on Friday, March 3, from 4-6 pm PST/7-9 pm EST.
Email your interest to anna “at” gaiashamanism “dot” com for this week’s zoom invitation. All skill levels are welcome.
I hope you will join us this week.