Topics for a Shamanic Spiritual Guidance Session

Often, but not always, people seek a shamanic spiritual guidance session because there is something unresolved in their life.

Topics for journeys can include:

• Questions about life purpose and direction.

• Difficult relationships with family, mate, classmates or co-workers, yourself, and/or God.

• The meaning and soulful lessons hidden within illness, a tragic event, job loss, disturbing and/or recurrent dreams.

• Creating an authentic life, cultivating more joy, finding right livelihood, sustaining activism over the long-haul, or deepening your intuitive gifts and innate connection to Spirit.

Setting your intention

Intention is everything, for what you look for in the journey of life determines what you will find.

Shamanic spiritual guidance addresses questions about real problems and offers practical advice, but shamanic journeys also nudge us out of the mind’s singular focus on problems into a broader perspective—that of the soul.

The soul prioritizes growth, choice, and experience over getting things “right.” Looking and even feeling good are less important to the soul than progressing to a life of greater internal freedom and meaning.

Shamanic journeys tend to address the big picture aspects of what you are experiencing, give next steps or homework for developing a capacity for expanded awareness, and nudge you to self-understanding and acceptance.

It helps to be forthright about what questions you hold for shamanic journeys as well as a tool for personal development. It helps to carry the questions of your heart with awareness.

The more clarity you have about your intentions, the more clearly the imagery and symbolism of the shamanic spiritual guidance session–and life’s journey itself–can speak to you.

You might think about the things you most want guidance on before going to sleep at night and then write down your intentions and any insights upon awakening. Or you might create or do something— doodle, wash dishes, play music, chop wood, weed the garden—while reflecting on your life.

However you deepen awareness and recollect yourself after a busy day, do that. And if you find getting clarity about your deepest questions difficult, do note that as something for the shamanic spiritual guidance session to address.